
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Update from Italy

Over the past few weeks my health has been up and down and I've been very blessed with the help and support from my community at Mosaico Church here in Italy! As most of you know my sister came to visit me for the holidays, but unfortunately she got the flu which she kindly shared (as sisters do). One night after we both were over the flu I started having really bad pain near my right hip and her initial thought was appendicitis.

Over the time of three more weeks I visited 2 more doctors and eventually went to the emergency room. They sent me home with antibiotics however the pain didn't subside after a week and I could hardly walk so I went to another doctor. He sent me to the emergency room suggesting it was appendicitis - at this point they said it was and I went in to surgery early the next morning.

After being at the hospital for around 3 days I am back home and on my way to getting better! Life isn't always pain free and easy, but through those difficult times the Lord takes care of us. He provided a way for me to have the right medical treatment, a wonderful new friend through sharing a recovery room at the hospital, and many many people here to help me out. I even got to practice my Italian language skills- big time! If you are learning a different language there are other ways to practice though!

It's nice to be back in my apartment and on the right path to recovery. I truly have been overwhelmed by all of the people praying for me through everything and I appreciate you all!

Here are a few ways you can pray...

It's going to be a few weeks of recovery and very little physical activity. Pray for me to take it slowly even when I am starting to feel better...this is a challenge for me (:

Over the next couple weeks I have a couple more checkups so please pray these appointments go well.