I definitely didn't expect all of the setbacks that would take place over the following months. Surgery, infection, and some other physical issues placed me in the ER several times, caused some painful days, and evidently placed a lot on hold. For a couple of weeks I was hardly able to eat or hold any food down. Dumb. I like eating! So here we are well in to May and for the past two weeks I have been feeling myself again! Friends, don't take your health for granted.
This brings me to the FAQ that I have received from friends and family: When are you heading back to Italy? My answer is I'm not 100% sure. With all of the twists and turns I am going to take my time easing back in to a more normal pace of life. What I can tell you is I want to go back! It will probably be a short trip for a month to stay connected with Gallery 4 Italia and what's taking place there.
For now, I am staying in my hometown, starting some part time work, and continuing photography. I'll tell you a little more about these changes next time, but to close I want to say GRAZIE MILLE (THANK YOU SO MUCH) to you all. I am blessed to have such amazing support from friends and family!